
Old Dominion News

Friday, February 21, 2025

Big Tech continues censoring, banning groups




Facebook banned a Second Amendment group and did not provide a notice or a clear explanation, according to the president of the group.

The Epoch Times reported that the group, The Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) Facebook page was banned on Tuesday.

“We were banned without notice or exact reason,” Philip Van Cleave, the group's president, told The Epoch Times via email.

The group has, for the past 18 years, been responsible for organizing peaceful rallies at the state's General Assembly. It also kept gun owners updated on bill proposals or laws related to gun rights.

“The page and group were helping to coordinate the equivalent this year – which, due to COVID, was a rolling caravan with over 1,000 vehicles driving through Richmond, decked out in with gun-rights messages, signs, flags, etc. We have never had a single violent event in our history and not one arrest,” Van Cleave wrote, the Epoch Times reported.

He believes the ban was intentional and political as they were always in compliance with Facebook laws.

Before the 2020 general election to present, Facebook has banned individuals and groups for violating their policies. In January alone, more than 78,000 users were banned including former president Donald Trump. Trump is accused of inciting the Jan. 6 rioting at the Capitol building. 

Facebook is also reportedly being pressured by Democrat legislators to scale up the amount of political content on the platform. Many users have either abandoned Facebook or filed lawsuits against the social media company.